Monday, February 12, 2007

Must Be Good News

Partisans filling judge nomination committees.Conservative Party ties most common factor in appointments, Globe finds

All I can say is whoopee. If the Mop and Pail finds this fact offensive, then that can only mean it is good for Canada as a whole, not just Queerbec and Onscario. Plus they stick to their tried and true method of if there is no story, make on up to scare the sheeple of Canada.

The Conservative government has loaded the committees that determine who can become a judge, selecting a series of Tories including former politicians, aides to ministers, riding association officials and defeated candidates.
The influential but little-known judicial advisory committees were created in 1988 to take partisan politics out of the appointment of judges. But half -- at least 16 out of 33 -- of the people chosen by the federal justice minister as his nominees are conservative partisans, a review by The Globe and Mail has found.

First off, the M&P must be using new(Lieberal) math. Note that 16 of 33 is now MORE than 50%. I wonder if this is how they figure out their circulation numbers? Note also it was created in 1988 to "take out" partisan politics in appointing judges. Now there is a moronic statement. Not ONCE in the whole article does it mention a peep about the Lieberals appointment to the panel over 13 years. Yup. They sure are non-partisan. All you have to do is Google Supreme Court Justices to see exactly who was being partisan. Tell you what, M&P. When there is finally a true equal number of appointees to the Supreme Court from both sides of the political spectrum, then that will be fair. It will take about 20 years to achieve this mark.

As I said earlier, you can bet this will be good for Canada. What scares the M&P so much is that finally there is a chance some judges who are not socialist idealogues will finally get on the bench, and start bringing some true justice back to the system. This would be a horrible blow to the Lieberals/Dippers of this country. Now longer could they shirk their duties as politicians by referring everything to the Court for implementation. Do you really think the SSM crap would have been passed if Parliment had done their job, and voted on it properly? We will never know, as the Lieberals told their stacked Court to rule on it, thus avoiding their duties. On those grounds alone, just maybe in 5 years it will go before the Court again, and this time the judges will say, in nice terms, screw you. YOU are the politicians. You are supposed to be making the laws, not us. Then it hopefully will overrule the previous illegal findings, and it will go to a vote.
And maybe we won't have the judges constantly making up and/or interpreting laws.
And the M&P makes a big deal out of the fact that cops are now on the committee! Imagine the horror! How dare the Conservatives allow the common, frontline, unwashed masses to have a say on how something that will directly affect them! This is definitley NOT the socialist way. Turdeau must be spinning. Just think. Accountability and tougher enforcement of the laws, and an overhaul of that Utopian dream called the Young Offenders Act.
Of course the M&P, and most other MSM outlets will try to spin this against the Conservatives. It is a direct threat to their nanny state, government depentent, secular, wealth (except their's) destroying way of life. How many social workers will be out of work when they no longer have gangs of little thugs to rehabilitate? Just think!
The whole article is worth the read, if for no other fact then the comments. Which BTW, are now closed. Guess they where getting to many people who where for the change. Hehehehe.

Per Ardua Ad Astra


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