Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Suziki's A Liar

So Canada's leading cultist of Kyoto, David "zoomzoom" Suziki, is on a tour of the country, asking about global warning and what Joe/Jane Six-pack would do about it if he/ were PM. He started out in the Maritimes and is currently in Queerbec. Here are some of the lies from his just released diary of the trip so far.

In Newfoundland and Labrador, I heard stories of families split apart by the tar sands. Those left at home are grateful for the incomes their loved ones are able send, but they are torn by concerns about the inherent unsustainability of the industry, and what its continued development will mean for global warming and for future generations.
Well guess what? There are families split apart in Alberta, and every other province, dipwad. And not just by the oil/gas industry. And the only "inherent unsustainability" concern about this industry is what the Lieberals will do to it when and if they get back into power!

In New Brunswick, people told me they were worried about their province being too heavily tied to a single corporation that is expanding fossil fuel development.
Correct, David. And that "corporation" is NOT Irving Oil (which has all their money in Bermuda anyways). It is ALBERTA and our transfer payments! I am from N.B. It has been for 50 years, and will be for a long time, nothing more than a Federal government sponsored welfare province, thanks to Alberta and the transfer payments.

In Nova Scotia, I was grateful to be able to spend some time with renowned biologist Ransom Myers, whose work on the depletion of the planet's fish stocks sounded a warning to the world. And in Prince Edward Island, we felt the pride of a province that has a plan to be entirely powered by green energy.
David. Most of the depletion of Canada's fish stocks came from overfishing, by NON-CANADIANS fishing illegally in our waters. Allowed, I might add, by Lieberal governments. And PEI has a plan to be powered entirely by green energy? Only at election time to get votes. But it should be pretty easy for a province that has ZERO manufacturing and/or industry, only potatoes and tourism.

I write this as we pull into beautiful Montreal at sunset. Quebec has been an inspiration, with more ideas and solutions here than anywhere yet. To beat global warming and put Canada back on track, we need to learn from those solutions and let them be the glue that binds this country together.
The only truth in this is that yes, Montreal is a very beautiful city. But Queerbec ideas and solutions? So flooding millions of acres a forest to build a hydro-electric plant is a solution? Ummmmm. Aren't all those trees a CO2 sink, and therefore good in the fight against GHGs? So how do you square this one, David? And the "glue" that binds this country? This from a province who dual purpose is only to advance socialism to its Nth degree, and to screw the ROC while they are at it? They only things that "binds" in Queerbec is the shit that comes out of it.

But here is his biggest, and most blatant lie....At each stop, I've been asked which political party I support. And my answer is always the same - none.
Bullshit. If it where not for the Lieberals, their lap-dog MSM, and your own bloated self importance, you would be nothing more than a failed geneticist. Oh wait. You are already a failed geneticist. That's why you jumped on the enviromental band-wagon long ago. In that field, you don't have to do any actual research, and you can spout anything you like, and the moonbats, liberals, and socialists will worship at your feet. Perfect for a commie fruitcake like David Suziki.

Per Ardua Ad Astra


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