Thursday, February 15, 2007

What A Farce

So the opposition parties are all happy and giddy that they managed to force through Parliment a LAW that Canada must present a plan within 60 days to meet Kyoto targets.
All I ask is that everybody calm down for one second. We are talking politicians here. The Conservatives have ZERO interest and plans to do anything regarding this scam. Which is good. PMSH and his Enviroment minister Baird have absolutely NO desire, or reason to implement or follow this attempt at a political coup.
Liberal MP Pablo Rodriguez states that the Conservatives MUST follow this bill, or face lawsuits, non-confidence motions etc.
His own government under PMPM bluntly refused to recognize or follow a non-confidence motion, which they lost, while they were in government. So go ahead, Pablo, take it to the Supreme Court. You guys have already set the precedent that governments do NOT have to follow the democartic procedure.
Liberals said the Conservative party's dissenting vote last night shows the government has no intention of honouring Kyoto, an international treaty that aims to halt global warming.
Ummmm. Sort of like the Lieberals did in 13 years? Oh wait. They did accomplish something. They sent millions to China, and did RAISE our emissions 34%. I'm proud. Aren't you?
"The prime minister can't act like an emperor and decide he'll respect one law but not another one he doesn't like," said Liberal MP Pablo Rodriguez, who introduced the bill adopted Wednesday.
"He can't do that. This is a democracy. Democracy has expressed itself."

Ah. So all of a sudden the Lieberals are for democracy! See above regarding a democratic vote of non-confidence.
Here is the one part we can all take heart in...the bill contains no specific spending measures.
PMSH. ARE you listening? Lay out said plan NOW, even before it gets through the Senate. Then, when the Senate passes it, you will spend exactly what it takes to curb this....1 BUCK. Oh. And shut down ALL industry in Onscario and Queerbec. Make the center of the universe asshats go south for employment, and make the frogs buy ALL their power,gas,oil, etc from Alberta. What? That is exactly what they are trying to do to us, so what's the problem?

Per Ardua Ad Astra



Blogger Gayle said...

NOOOOOO! Don't send the liberal asshats south for employment! Sheesh Justthinkin', I thought you were a friend! Dang! We've got enough liberal asshats of our own, don'tcha know!

Wait a minute... how far south are you referring to? Send them to Mexico. That would be poetic justice! :)

3:46 PM  
Blogger Justthinkin said...

Actually Gayle...I was thinking of just a little of Chile. Isn't that Antarctica? But...would that be fair to the poor penquins?

6:04 PM  
Blogger Gayle said...

Have you ever watched "March of the Penguins"? Those poor penguins have enough to deal with! What in the world are you thinking? LOL!

Seriously, if you haven't watched that movie, you should. Those penguins are far smarter than liberals. Of course, so are a few lizards we have running around here in the summer.

I hope you and your better half had a wonderful Valentine's Day. :)

8:08 PM  

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