Saturday, November 18, 2006

I Am Confused

The loopy left just keeps confusing me.
Toews under fire for plan to let police play role in vetting judges.
For you people living under a rock, Justice Minister Vic Toews' plan is to revamp the group that recommends judges to allow police officers a say in the process. I agree, seeing as cops are on the front lines and see first hand the results of our present "hug-a-thug" judges and their ridiculous sentencings. Now here is where I get confused by the socialists.
"It's part of a bigger picture where this government seems to have a strong underlying distrust of the (current) judiciary," says Ed Ratushny, a University of Ottawa law professor.
"I can't imagine what objective they could have in mind, other than to look for lawyers who will be hard-assed, law-and-order judges."

Excuse me, Ed, but anybody except a bleeding heart leftie DOES have a strong distrust of our current crop of so-called judges. Four kids murder another one because he kicked them out of his house party, and the worse one got was 4 years, and the other 3 house arrest, in their basements with Mommy. A modern day Marquis DeSade husband/wife team beat, torture,rape, and mentally abuse young girls for years, and they get SUSPENDED sentences! And excuse be, but aren't judges SUPPOSED to be hard-assed, law-and-order judges!
Parker MacCarthy, president of the Canadian Bar Association, also wants more debate. "There's an appearance that the process is going to be more open to political influence," says MacCarthy."I think we're moving in a direction that may not be particularly helpful."
You mean that the previous Lieberal governments that loaded the Supreme Court with their own, hand picked lefties wasn't a "political process"?? Notice how when they can't defend the previous crap, socialists employ ad hominem attacks?
Executive director Tony Canavino insists that police can be as objective as anyone else and can offer a unique "practical perspective" on the justice system.
Clayton Ruby, a leading criminal defence lawyer, begs to differ.
"They don't possess the independence required to give good advice," says Ruby. "They're an interested party. It's just nonsense."

Lets see. Of the current 7 on the panel, 1 is a judge, and two are lawyers. You expect to tell me they are not "interested parties"? Do these quackers think we are stupid? Well, maybe they are right about Queerbec and Arsetario, but not the West.
You know. One thing I am learning from the lefties though is this: they actually stand for absolutly nothing but themselves. They don't give two shits about you or me, or else they wouldn't be screaming so much and trying to deflect so much attention away from how THEIR socialist Utopia that has utterly failed. Otherwise they would be backing up anybody trying to change the system by getting rid of "hug-a thug" judges. They scream about more gun laws, then when a bill is brought before the House to make MANDATORY sentences of 10 years plus for gun crimes, they stall it and want it revamped!! Shows what their true colours are.

Per Ardua Ad Astra


Blogger Gayle said...

#!@*&%#! and then some! The more I read your blog, ABF's blog and Canadian Sentinal's blog, the more correlation I see between Canada and the United States. The left isn't "loopy" hon, the left are insane! They want a completely immoral society, and evidently have never studied any history that wasn't revised by liberal moonbat professors. Every time a society has given up it's morals that society has fallen.

Of course you have a distrust of your judges, just as we do. I don't have the link any longer, but a judge let a known rapist go free in the U.S. Well, he put him under house arrest. Big deal. His reasoning: the guy was too short and would be picked on if put behind bars. If the asshat was that short, I wish he had picked on me. There wouldn't have been enough left of him to put behind bars!

I am so completely tired of what the left in this country, and in yours, is attempting to accomplish. The undermining of all that is right and good. If it feels good, do it, is their motto. They are getting away with it too, because they are teaching kids this crap!

Sorry for the rant, friend... I'm just truly getting tire of it.

Great post. You brought out my beast! :)

8:11 PM  
Blogger Justthinkin said...

Not to worry Gayle. The left may well get the anarchy they want, and I will be one of the first gunning the pricks down and raping their daughters and selling the pups when it happens! Do I sound a little pissed...hehehe. And yeah. I read about that crackpot decision that judge made. Too short for jail? He wasn't to short to ruin some girls life! Me. I would have made sure he was really short where it counted after I finished with him.

8:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Ed Ratushny, a University of Ottawa law professor" ... That's the same buttwipe that was on Rutherford the other day.... him and his leftie hug-a-thug slugs in heat will be gettin what they deserve in the uprising that seems to be gettin closer everytime these guys open their mouths.

10:56 PM  
Blogger Tim said...

So am I. This one hits a little too close to home. My daughter was a friend of Josh Hunt. He was stabbed to death last month. His 17 year old accused killer who has 13 prior convictions of robbery and possession of weapons charges was just released into his grandfathers custody until he faces trial. When will this farce end?

12:28 AM  

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