Tuesday, December 05, 2006

They Needed A Study For This?

Early reading skills vital, report suggests.

The National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth released a study to Stats Canada that says that early reading skills of a child are significantly linked to their later test scores regardless of a child’s socio-economic background, gender or mother tongue. My God. Who would have thunk it! You mean if you can't read, you can't pass tests?? Holy moley. And all this time I thought it was because the test were written in Klingon! Boy. Am I ever glad that good taxpayer money was used on this study to point this out to me. After all, if the socialists don't tell us what's wrong, why we peons just can't figure it out for ourselves!
I just love this gem from the study...Early reading skills are related to a child's later ability to use and understand printed information, regardless of the child's background. Imagine! You can't use printed information if you can't read it! Damn. That's like saying you can't use math if you can't add. Of course I may wrong on that last one. There hasn't been a study released yet.

Have we really become so dumbed down and just plain stupid that we need a study for this? And just as another thought...who the hell is going to read and understand this study? Certainley not the Grade 3 & 4's we are turning out now. Ain't socialism wonderful?



Blogger Beach Girl said...

Love your picture. Really love it. Great. Thanks for stopping over at my blog.

2:36 PM  
Blogger Gayle said...

What picture???

Well, Justthinkin, also think about this: who pays for these idiotic studies? We know who does, don't we? Dang... this is one of the most idiotic things I've heard lately; but just one. I've heard lots of idiotic things lately, unfortunately.

To bad all liberals can't read; we wouldn't have them running the MSM! :)

8:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmmm ... I just may have to commission a study. It seems to be the natural way to scam money. Let's see .... I conduct a study that determines why, when you drink 4 xxl coffee's from Tim Hortons, do you have to pee within 4 hours. .... seems like a really important study. Then I could do a study on the study. That should be good for at least 1/2 a mil of taxpayers money.

9:28 PM  
Blogger Justthinkin said...

Gayle...she was talking about my avatar. Yeah. I thought about the cost, but it was making me sick.
AB...and I can do a follow up study on on how many rolls of toilet paper you use after eating 4 bowls of Timmy's chili and how that affects the enviroment. That ought to be worth a whole bunch of brown envelopes from the Kyoto crowd!!
P.S....gotta switch to haloscan this wk'end. Hate the word veri.

4:46 AM  
Blogger Gayle said...

Oh, your Avitar. Now I understand. LOL! It's definitely different! :)

8:29 AM  

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