Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Why Christians?

Maybe I can get a couple of answers on here. Why do Christians have to bend over backwards for every secular/socialist/non-christian dipwad who wants to foist their beliefs on us, but we can't do the same? You don't want my Nativity scene up, fine, but I had better not see your damn candle stick holder in your front window! Don't like the cross am wearing because it reminds you that at least my prophet had the guts to die for me, unlike yours? Fine. But if I see that "ceremonial knife" on your waist, I will shove it where the sun doesn't shine. You want rights? Not until you respect mine!!! You want your sharia law instead of Canadian? Fine. I have an airplane ticket with your name on it back to the shithole you came from.
And by the way people, shop at Wal-mart this Christmas season. They are saying Merry Christmas, and meaning it!

Per Ardua Ad Astra


Blogger Gayle said...

I plan on shopping at Wal Mart, Justthinkin.

I can't answer your question though. It seems everyone has rights these days except for Christian conservatives and it's infuriating! I'm afraid one of these days I'm going to lose my temper in public. I'm forced to sit at stoplights and listen to boom boxes so loud they are almost deafening, playing rap so vile it makes me want to puke! Do I have the right to complain? Nope. It's okay if it's not after 10:00pm.

That's just one teensy-weensy example. What also gets me is some of the offensive t-shirts some people wear. I saw one the other day saying "God sucks!" Freedom of speach in America is for everyone except us, and from what I read on Canadian blogs it's the same up there.

10:18 AM  
Blogger lilfeathers2000 said...

Christians have allowed agnostics to teach their teachers and semanary aka cematary and there for the scriptures have been picked through. Taught to a coupla of generations to bend weave bob and turn run.
None of which the God of Abraham approves of. I fear for the christians and their church. The same is now going on with in other religions.
When a minister preachs the word of God he is called a hate monger.

12:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't answer your question either, but I'm going to display whatever I want, and am waiting for one of them turd heads to say something. I'll be buying everything at Walmart this year, and hey!... Merry Christmas!

7:03 PM  

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