Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Is It Discrimination?

So some proud playing in a soccer game was kicked out because she was wearing an Islam Hajib. Now everybody is screaming foul, none more so than the Canadian Soccer Association. They are screaming that it is discriminatory and that no rules in FIFA, from which they draw their rules, forbid this.
Oh really?
Here is the official rule...A player must not use equipment or wear anything that is dangerous to himself or another player (including any kind of jewellery).
Read the full list of laws regarding equipment that is legal to wear here.
Multi-cult screw-up strikes again. Personally, if I was FIFA, I would simply say fine Canada. You don't won't to play by the rules, take your team and your leftard multi-cult outta here. You're banned!!!

Per Ardua Ad Astra


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